Generative Drawing Triptych

Artwork Two - Randomisations Theme

The second art piece which I have created is presenting a canvas filled with colourful ellipses. The theme of this piece is randomistions, that is because one of the most important codes which I have been using for this work is ‘random’. The great example when I had to use a code’random’ is to create different colours for ellipses. Thanks to this special effect the person looking at it might find it even more interesting. The art piece is created in the solid style, just like the first one. However, this time I have decided to experiment with a code, because of that every time when the person is going to refresh my page the place and scale of ellipses is going to change. Also if we are going to look more closely at my piece, we cam see that the background is two colour gradient background. To create this work I have took an inspiration from the artist named Vijayasimha, which created colourful puzzles which are placed all over the canvas.
